Achtung Sky

Det er nu et år siden, vi lancerede vores debut-single ‘Do We Dare’ med Achtung Sky fra København, og reaktionerne var straks overvældende og lovende. Da vi i februar i år udgav bandets næste single ‘Clean Clean Man’, modtog vi også mange positive anmeldelser. I slutningen af maj kom vores 7-spors EP endelig på gaden, indeholdende fire helt nye numre. Desværre har dansk presse ikke været til stor hjælp, og vi har ikke fået så meget som en lille omtale, trods vores gentagne udsendelser. Gaffa gjorde dog. Her følger hvad vi indtil videre har høstet af anmeldelser: |
★★★★★ Desert Island Cloud
★★★★★ Click Roll Boom
★★★★★ FV Music Blog
★★★★★ Existential Magazine
★★★★★ Music News Monthly
★★★★★ The Soundlab UK
★★★★★ Plastic Magazine
★★★★★ Alfitude
★★★★★ Mystic Sons
★★★★★ Black Plastic
→ I like the dark, new wave vibe of 'Do We Dare,' juxtaposed with a hip-hop-infused edge and pop melodies. It's an intriguing, groove-driven experience that fearlessly explores and pushes the boundaries of different genres. Click Roll Boom
→ A nice sound, well made and enjoyable. We would love to play. Please share the track with us... The Soundlab UK
→ Really liking the bold and driven sound of this one, has a cool groove to it. Mystic Sons
→ This track was really interesting, it had very original and experimental stylings that made it immediately stand out. Loved the creativity of the sound and how much it made me want to keep listening. Existential Magazine
→ LEGENDARISK TROMMESLAGER: Hør ny sang fra Tomas Ortveds trio Achtung Sky. Gaffa
→ A very interesting fusion of punk, rock and pop. The production is bold and unique… Alfitude
→ The track is very catchy, the back beat really keeps the momentum going. This is something that I think our audience will enjoy. Music News Monthly
→ Cool track, liking the rhythm on this and the vocals are great. Nice production and instrumentation as well… Plastic Magazine
→ I like the drums and sense of drama here, but the overall sound is a bit too rock and roll for my taste. I generally want a more experimental, electronic sound. Black Plastic
→ I like this softly thumping sound and the warm vocals. Music For The Misfits
→ “Cool stuff and I love the music…”
→ “A well-made track with some enjoyable sounds too…”
→ “Impressive style Achtung Sky!! Rock at its finest! Your song not only rocks hard but also tells a compelling story. Bravo!”
→ “I like how the song has multiple layers of elements, vocals, riffs, which makes it creative. Congratulations on the beautiful work!”
→ “‘Clean Clean Man’ is such a great grunge track. Loads of creativity such as this very exciting tom section starting at 0:57.”
→ “Great and dark sound with good vocals, we appreciate the energy and anger behind your sound…” Sofar Sounds Newcastle
→ “The vibe of your performance is truly captivating! The production is commendable, delivering a well-balanced auditory experience.” HQindie
→ “Top quality alternative vibes - love the arrangement and vocal treatments throughout the track - very strong.” Desert Island Cloud
→ “This is a vibrant track, the big rock guitar riff and sultry vocals, pounding beat, and spacious arrangement are theatrical and intriguing.” Independent
→ 'Clean Clean Sky' envelops the listener in a dark and mystical realm, propelled by anthemic guitar melodies accompanied by haunting, contemplative drums. The track exudes a blackened aura, with Achtung Sky's artistic and dramatic hard rock vocals seamlessly blending with enchanting pop-influenced female tones. The synergy between the instrumental elements and the expressive vocals creates a mesmerising tapestry that captivates the senses. Achtung Sky's commendable ability to infuse the piece with both intensity and thoughtfulness makes 'Clean Clean Man’ a compelling and evocative musical experience. Click Roll Boom
→ “I’ve been listening through to Clean Clean Man. As live musicians go this feels tight, punchy and well recorded. I've been enjoying your style of rock/punk. I think you have a great balance of a new raw and energetic sound. Your music is fresh exciting and boy can you all play. The production is excellent... tight, holds together and everything feels like it's sitting where it should be. You can hear everything you should be focused on at the right time and there is something edgy and new about you.”
→ EN REN MAND: Hør ny single fra Tomas Ortveds seneste sideprojekt. Gaffa
Photocredit: Per Morten Abrahamsen