Featured Playlist Chart
We wanted to feature a great playlist where one of our artists really gain popularity.
New Artist Spotlight (NAS) has several playlists on Spotify where all Todd & Karen songs are or have been played - Barbara Barbara Barbara, Mr Beardsley, Cosmo Crowd and their latest L12 song.
Their new song “Blackpool Lights” is just finished and we are releasing it on March 10, 2023. Lookout for pre-saves ;)
NAS has several Spotify playlists full of great music and artists. Follow the links to some below:
- https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5C3rh11f7pRux4SyKyC7VI / 3,566 likes448 songs, over 24 hr / +400 songs
- https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6VxY1LeCP8UfRcK0zdmDl4 / 2,659 likes236 songs, about 14 hr / +200 songs
- https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6u0hdblgbot1WD6HoGolce / 2,808 likes257 songs, about 15 hr / +250 songs