We help creatives execute their vision with the perfect song
Monthly selections are chosen and featured via Musicbed emails, blog articles, and social media Audience of 1M+ creatives worldwide Exclusive article in Musicbed’s online publication Spotlights in Musicbed’s weekly newsletter & across social channels Monthly selections are announced on the third Thursday of each month. Learn More
This year’s Official Selections will advance to the Annual Musicbed Awards Show for their chance to win a Diamond, Platinum, and Gold Musicbed award. Each award winner will also receive an exclusive feature with our esteemed partners: Logo - 0Logo - 1Logo - 2Logo - 3
To be considered for monthly selections, submissions must be shared from LinkedIn or Instagram and include @subexile music 1 Follow @subexile on Instagram or LinkedIn 2 Post your video & mention @subexile 3 Use #subexile in your post 4 Submit a link to your video below
Each Month
Monthly selections will be announced over email and social media. Follow Musicbed on Instagram and Linked In to see our winners! |