Genres: #ambient #electronic #pop #experimental #cinematic #progressive #space |
Currently featured in the following playlists:
- buckle up for a journey into outer space!
Steam Engines & Flying Machines new releases "In Orbit" & "Dreams of Home". The tracks describe two different parts of a voyage into outer space as well as a voyage on a more abstract level.
Last year, in 2021, Steam Engines & Flying Machines released the EP "Contact" consisting of four cinematic tracks, and the new release continues with the same theme but adds new nuances to the sound of the project.
Behind Steam Engines & Flying Machines is musician Martin Lauge who has been active in the Danish underground music scene for years.
2022 © Sublime Exile Recordings
- spænd sikkerhedsbæltet og kom med på en rejse ud i det ydre rum!
Steam Engines & Flying Machines "In Orbit" of "Dreams of Home". Numrene beskriver hver sin del af en rejse i det ydre rum samt en rejse på et mere abstrakt plan.
Steam Engines & Flying Machines udgav sidste år, i 2021, EP'en "Contact" bestående af fire filmiske numre, og den nye udgivelse fortsætter i samme tema men tilføjer nye nuancer til projektets lyd.
Bag Steam Engines & Flying Machines står musiker Martin Lauge der i årevis har været aktiv på den danske undergrundsscene.
Label Sublime Exile Recordings
UPC 8720766469249 © line Sublime Exile Recordings ℗ line Little Devil Island Music Production Year 2022 Catalog Number SXR2407 Genre #1 Alternative - New Wave/Sci-Fi/Cinematic Explicit Lyrics No Duration: |
ISRC: DKFK12200201 ISWC: T-310.902.986-5 ICE: 60213574 WRITERS: MARTIN LAUGE CHRISTENSEN |
ISRC: DKFK12200202 ISWC: T-310.903.001-1 ICE: 60213575 WRITERS: MARTIN LAUGE CHRISTENSEN |